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Banyon Report Writer - Included with Software Purchase

Powerful, Flexible and easy-to-use

Banyon Report Writer Screenshots

Banyon Data Systems has a powerful and easy-to-use Report Writer module included with each software application purchased!

One of the best features of our software is the reporting capability. Each Banyon application has a user friendly report writer with standard reports already created for easy printing. However, if you want to modify or create new reports, simply choose from the options. Your reporting is virtually unlimited!




  • Filter or drill down to specific data. Filter for certain funds, departments ,date ranges, meter usages, or exclude certain amounts or codes. Use many different filter techniques like <,>, = or "between" for date ranges.
  • Save any report with your filters. Ex.) Police Budget report.
  • Group, sort, and total by any field. Ex) Total by fund and department.
  • Change font size on any report or double space the report.
  • Bold or highlight a column to stand out for the council or board.
  • Add Report titles & Sub Headings explaining what the report is showing.
  • Preview report on screen, export to Word or Excel.
  • Create Month end, Quarter end, Year end categories. You can also add your "name" as a category and save reports to it. This allows a user to simply select a collection of reports and select "print collection"