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Billing Invoicing


Billing Invoicing Module software

WinFund Invoicing is accessed from the Fund Accounting Desktop once it is purchased and activated.

  • Posted invoices interface to accounts receivable and can be loaded in from the customer AR during a receipt batch.
  • Create and print one invoice or a range of invoices
  • Create recur invoices on a monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc, or simply generate as needed.
  • Software prints the invoice form.
  • Add special instructions and comments to the invoice.
  • Print an invoice history statement to show payments made.



  • Print a customer statement to show all payments made to all invoices and balances due.
  • Generate past dues notices and calculate penalty/interest.
  • Call it an invoice or statement
  • Print copy for office records
  • Optional to print the line: shipped, shipped via, terms, etc.
  • Print paid amounts (if any)
  • Option to print logo