The new meter reading was probably less than the old meter reading resulting in a rollover. Figure out what is wrong with the meter reading and fix it by clicking on Edit Current Bill on the Account ribbon. You can also restore your backup, fix the meter reading and recalculate.
Another reason could be the Usage Multiplier was changed, lookup the account and click on the Meter tab. Click on the service and check the Usage Multiplier on the Info tab. Normally, the usage multiplier is 1.
The “Amount Due After” on the bill is the same as the amount due or is an incorrect dollar amount. The account may be exempt from penalties, the penalties have not been set up, or they are set up incorrectly. Only the first penalty collection is used when determining pay after amounts.
BILLS DID NOT CALCULATE CORRECTLY – Ask yourself the following questions, these are the most common reasons a bill would not calculate correctly and these will be the first questions asked when you call support.
Are the correct rates attached to the services? Are the rates set up correctly? Are the services scheduled? Was the bill pro-rated? Does the “Units” field show a number other than a 1? Does the “Service Units” field show a number other than 1? Is there a usage multiplier on the meter screen? Was the bill edited? Do any of the services use a complex calculation?