Banyon Data Software Includes Report Writer
- Filter or drill down to specific data. Filter for certain funds, departments ,date ranges, meter usages, or exclude certain amounts or codes. Use many different filter techniques like <,>, = or “between” for date ranges.
- Save any report with your filters. Ex.) Police Budget report.
- Group, sort, and total by any field. Ex) Total by fund and department.
- Change font size on any report or double space the report.
- Bold or highlight a column to stand out for the council or board.
- Add Report titles & Sub Headings explaining what the report is showing.
- Preview report on screen, export to Word or Excel.
- Create Month end, Quarter end, Year end categories. You can also add your “name” as a category and save reports to it. This allows a user to simply select a collection of reports and select "print collection"
Reports listed here are a small sample of what is actually available. Keep in mind there are many more reports to run or customize to your specific needs.
Fund Accounting Sample Reports (Click on a report to view)
Expenditure Guideline By Department
Expenditures By Fund/Department Summary
Expenditure Budget Worksheet
Fund Summary Monthly
Budget YTD Revenues & Expenditures
Revenue Budget Analysis
Department Budgets
Monthly Claims List Detail (run as unpaid or paid with check numbers)
Monthly Claims List Summary
Monthly Payments By Department (Easily re-sort to go by fund-dept)
Cash Balances
Cash Balance Summary
Cash Balance Month/Year
Statement of Receipts, Disbursements, and Balances (Schedule 1)
General Ledger Monthly/Yearly
Balance Sheet
Vendor Summary Yearly (Any date range possible)
Utility Billing Sample Reports (Click on a report to view)
Billing Register Summary
Billing Register
Receipt Distribution Summary
Out of Bounds (usage report)
DNR Summary
Directors Report
Account Balance
Service Balance Summary
Pumped Vs. Billed (Water Loss Report)
Receipt Entry Register
Receipt Distribution Summary (Accrual or Cash Accounting)
Tax Summary (Run on date range)
12 Month Usage Report by Account
Usage For Multiple Years/Periods
Bill History Detail (For one customer and choose any billing periods/years)
Meter Reading Entry Report